Charlie, your whole flier is a bit cumbersome to read but I'm basing what I said on the last paragraph:
"So in the context of the "great tribulation" possibly occurring after the April 4th eclipse, some will get a hint that they are in a false religion and are about to be destroyed. It's too late to escape now. As I said, the lamb-dragon beast represents the WTS' Governing Body and the 666-Beast represents Christendom. But BOTH of them are killed at the same time in the lake of fire."
First you're predicting a date for the end; second you're elevating the Watchtower to a position where they are an actual fulfillment of certain scriptures.
Why not throw in the Mormons and the Apostolic Reformation? There are other religions that are authoritarian and absurd so why should God focus on just the Witnesses?